I've Been Urged to Update!
Well, apparently my ramblings are in demand. Christmas is nearing, and I feel sort of warm and fuzzy. I say sort of because I'm currently sitting at my desk in the Blight, i.e. my job.... Though it's not so bad when I'm infected with holiday cheer. And also, I spoke to my boss Sharon yesterday, about the fact that the higher-ups are gearing up for this overhaul of the customer service department to make it into a sales department. Which is really not okay with me. Sales is anathema, and I'd told them that several months ago, and here we are again! But Sharon doesn't like it here either, and in fact the whole customer service department (me, David, Kathy and Sharon) all kinda want to leave, so I don't feel awkward or anything about having said basically that either I do only service calls here or I'm giving my notice, and I'm quite pleased by both cases of that scenario. The temp agency I used to be with said they'd take me back in a heartbeat, apparently they consider me one of their best temps. So, I feel positive about the world.
Also, can I say how much I love buying Christmas presents? Really I do. I spend so much money on them, and it's almost like buying things for myself, except better, because I don't feel guilty about spending a lot of money, I feel good because I'm thinking about other people. :) Oh, and I hope that it snows over the weekend. I'd love to have some snow for Christmas, even though it doesn't happen always, or even often.
There you are, Alex! My day in a nutshell. Also, I miss you. <:*
yay for updates!
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