We went to see Brokeback Mountain last night.... I have several reactions. The first: I realized once again how incredibly lucky I am to have been born at a time when most of the hard work, and most of the danger, has already passed. I know hate crimes still happen, but they don't feel like a present threat, to me. I can kiss Alex in the street, if I want to, and I won't get the shit beat out of me--at least, on the east coast, I won't. Just the fact that a movie like this has been made and is being shown, let alone well-received, is a testament to the times. There's still fighting to be done, but it's for equality, not our lives. My second reaction: There's so much happening in this movie, I think I need to see it again. At least once more, to focus on everything that's really going on. Looking back on it, every tiny thing that happens seems very significant, but I can't always figure out why. My third reaction: The acting was truly incredible. I was especially impressed by Heath Ledger, after having just seen him play a totally opposite part in Casanova. He seemed to inhabit this part in a way that surprised me. So, kudos to him. Also, the woman who played his wife looked so familiar to me, and I finally figured out why--she's the red-headed lesbian in the 1970's section of If These Walls Could Talk II (great movie, bad title).
I think that's all I have to say about it at the moment... if you've seen it, share your thoughts.
My thoughts have been shared with the world on my blog! :) Not that I didn't just tell you that, but it's been awhile since I popped in here.
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