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Monday, January 30, 2006

The Most Fun Website Ever.


go there. play.

i did.

AShrubbery is serenading Lucifer

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Aquaman took out the Death Star for Demona

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Achilles is serenading Cosette

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

RonaldReagan broods over TheWickedWitch

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

WillSmith is voting for Voldemort

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Chairry loves GeorgeWBush

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Fry writes fic about BobSaget

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

RedFraggle is serenading TheFonz

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Buffy is running for President with Aslan

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

JohnConstantine fought off Reavers for Malvolio

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

RemusLupin pika pika PIIIIIs PaulMcCartney

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

SirGalahad has a doll of MrT

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Donatello secretly desires PeterPan

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

TheShadow is stalking AlbertEinstein

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Locke secretly desires Locke

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

BooRadley yearns for CaptainBarbossa

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

RichardHatch has an eye on Hamlet

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Eve fangirls MargeSimpson

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Lirael is stalking Gabriel

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

ProfessorPlum smooches BenjaminSisko

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Raphael is turning cartwheels for TinkyWinky

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Dumbledore has a doll of Bastian

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

GrumpyBear would hang for Worf

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

InigoMontoya smooches Rockapella

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

WonderWoman is flirting with HesterPrynne

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

HuckFinn secretly desires Draco

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

DottieHinson forgot Poland for Harry

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Dax is flirting with ForrestGump

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Jareth is stalking DavidTheGnome

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Cheetara dreams about BradMajors

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

LeVarBurton smooches Steve

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

CaptainPlanet dreams about Leonardo

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

LadyAmalthea loves Claire

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Meatwad smurfs Daphne

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

JohnConstantine runs a fanlisting for Sauron

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

DoctorCrusher writes fic about Sundance

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

Nemo is shagging Aquaman

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG

FrodoBaggins is shagging AShrubbery

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG


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