Feeling Blue
Maybe it's work, or thinking too much about Simmons stuff, or thinking too much about graduation this weekend, or some sort of weird hormone spike...but I'm feeling rather blue. I wish I had a big magnet that was just for hugs and love, and I'd turn it on, and hugs and love would come and stick to me from all over the place.
Is it time to go home yet?
*hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs* *love* *hugs8 *lovae* *hugs* *love8 *hugslove?*
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