Year in Review
Here we are, the titles and first few sentences of the first post of each month in the past year!
January: Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all! It kinda sucks that I'm writing this from work, where I arrived stuffy-headed and sneezing and tired at 10 this morning, but at least it's definitely going to be a slow day.
February: New Assignment, Fuzzy Feelings.
All right, first things first--I have a new job. The timeframe has been changing; the agency said three weeks, the supervisor here said two weeks, and my brain says probably more like a week and a half.
March: My Personal DNA
April: NYU is a Tease
NYU is so difficult to be in contact with, always. It's beginning to irritate me. I sent them an email last week asking what the timetable was for decision letters, as in, should I be worried that I hadn't yet received one, and they sent back a form email that didn't answer my question in any way.
May: May Day

May Day was lovely! Don't believe me? Check out the pictures!
June: Vacation Pictures
The photos are up!
July: Quiz from Julia
As per usual, swiped from Julia's lj:
So far in 06 have you...
August: I See Two Snoopies

September: In Boston
Hello, all. I'm in Boston. Right now, and for a sad majority of the week and a half we've been here, Boston sucks. In other news, I'm applying for a phone sex job (at least, it sounds like a phone sex job), because it's lucrative and I can do it from home.
October: Just Musings.
I don't have a whole lot to say on any particular topic, so I'm going to muse about several. The first being my schooling situation. It's dumb. They don't give me enough money for it, and they make it very hard for me to graduate in a timely fashion. But I'm determined to do it! I am not staying here past my two years, no way.
November: Vaccination
You know how, to protect you against a disease, they inject you with a very little bit of the disease? Today feels like a vaccination.
Clearly I've Been Watching Lots of Buffy.....
I was just noticing that in this picture, I have the Spike scarred eyebrow thing going on.
Well, that was...interesting. Mostly it just made me sad. Bleah.
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