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Monday, March 05, 2007


I might have an exciting new job! We had a guest speaker in my publishing class two weeks ago, a woman who runs a company out of her home that's a sort of....membership group/provider of various services for independent bookstores and library buyers and so forth. She puts out a yearly catalog of children's books, to help said members decide what to buy for their stores/libraries, gives out a yearly award, and organizes a big snazzy dinner. The website is www.abfc.com, if you're interested. Anyway, she's having a baby, and needs an assistant to work from home answering her email and returning phone messages and various other tasks, while she takes her maternity leave. I think I'm going to be the one to get it! Because the only competition is a really aggressive and overworked woman in my class who's always stressed out and intense, and at my interview today, my possible new employer said that I seem much calmer, and that's something she's looking for. ;)

The bonus is, on June 1st I get to go to a big fancy dinner at the Copa Cabana in Manhattan with all the publishing bigwigs and famous children's authors!!!!! I am SO gonna take advantage of the networking possibilities.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This sounds right up your alley. And if you want to crash at my place after the benefit, you are more than welcome (assuming I'm still here, anyway.)

Oh, I'm so excited for you!

8:30 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

That's so cool! Good for you!

1:35 PM  

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