Fucking Hot.
Somehow the heat wave requires an expletivous adjective. I hope that expletivous isn't already a word, because I just coined it. How am I supposed to begin an exercise regime, lose 30 pounds, and be totally beautiful by the time the Fringe Festivals roll around, if the apartment is 10,000 degrees of temperature? But at least I don't have to wear a wool coat, or something, like John Adams. Maybe that's why he was so obnoxious and disliked back in 1776. At any rate, if it wasn't for my fondness for the idea that Hell is freezing cold, I'd say it's as hot as Hell in Philadelphia.
Clearly, I've got 1776 on my mind today. And not much else.
Let's try another font! Except this one looks too much like the last. How about this one? OOh, typewriter. I like that. And this? Hmm, rather large. Webdings!
That last was Webdings. I think I'll stick with Courier, and hope that these font changes appear in the blog, otherwise my faithful readers will think I'm insane.
Let's talk about my latest dilemma. School.
I want to go back to school. Very badly. But I think there are too many things I want to do. The first option is U of Sussex in England. They have a fantastic English MA, all about sexuality and the lesbian subject, good stuff like that. I want to go there and take their MA, and then I want to get a PhD somewhere and teach at the college level. The hitch is, to go to school in England, you have to have all the money you'll need (to pay tuition and living expenses, a total of around $36,000 in US money) BEFORE you even arrive there, otherwise they won't let you in the country. Like I'm ever gonna have that much money on hand! I can certainly apply for loans, but will Federal aid loan me money for living expenses too? There's also a slim chance of a tiny scholarship from Sussex, but it would hardly even scratch the surface of the money I'd have to have on hand.
Given this hardship, I've decided to consider other possibilities. I could certainly investigate other schools with English MA's that focus on gender and sexuality. But my research always seems fruitless, and Sussex always sticks in my mind.
The other option that's been interesting me lately is art school. Specifically, either Moore College of Art and Design here in Philly, and NYU's Studio Art program. In either school, I'd end up starting over again as an undergrad. Which isn't such a bad thing, honestly, and I'm sure that a good deal of my liberal arts credits will count towards a BFA degree. And if the government will consider me as seperate from my parents, then they'll have to give me lots of financial aid, because I'm rather poor. So maybe there are a lot of plus signs in that course of action.
I think the problem, really, is that I'm searching for something, or somethings, but I don't know what they are. I want to take steps in a direction, any direction, but I have to consider what my final destinations might be. Do I want to be a professional artist? Do I want to be a professor in college? Do I want to be a writer? Do I want to be all of these things? Can I be all of these things? I think that I can. But it'll take a hell of a lot of loans.
Sound off, all two of you who read my blog. Should I go to art school, and perhaps someday find a better job, or perhaps even get some studio time, and save up for Sussex later on in my life? Or should I seek out some other trail altogether? Not that either of you know what you're doing any more than I do. But give me your thoughts. :)
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