New Assignment, Fuzzy Feelings.
All right, first things first--I have a new job. The timeframe has been changing; the agency said three weeks, the supervisor here said two weeks, and my brain says probably more like a week and a half. I've gotten a good chunk of the work they have for me already finished. Hence my blog break! I don't want to finish my work before I've had a full week here, they're paying me $15/hour! :) As for the details, it's at Philadelphia University in Germantown (about an hour by bus from the apartment). I'm basically formatting/typing/proofreading/adjusting in various other ways the many appendices to the University's accreditation paperwork. Apparently their accreditation is re-evaluated every ten years, and 2006 is evaluation time again. It's a pretty sweet deal--I have some control over my hours, as long as there are 8 of them, and I have a pretty view, and there's a whole campus for me to explore in warm weather when I need a break; there's also a dining hall I can eat in, and a campus shop full of art supplies, because the University does a lot of art/fashion/textiles programs. As well as midwifery, which seems very random and interesting to me. All in all, I think I like this new assignment.
Now for the fuzzy feelings! I'm not sure exactly what I want to convey, here, except to say that I am so pleased to have some romance in my life. My mood lately has been vastly improved, and I'm sure that along with quitting my old job and having some time off, a little love has gone a long way for my mental state. Not to say that I didn't get love before, but you know. I'm blushing with my foot in my mouth, and there's no smiley for that. In short, thanks, Baby Seal.
yay fuzzy feelings : )
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