Becky Finally Updated!
And I stole this from her:
"The first five people to respond to this post will get some form of art, by me, about them. I make no guarantees about quality or type, but I will assure that I will give it good effort and that the art will be individual to you, so if you get a mixed CD, a dirty limerick, some sort of painting , or perhaps some origami, or anything else yours is the only one like it.
The only catch, of course; as with most memes, if you sign up, you have to put this in your own journal as well."
Fun fun fun!
I want one! Yay! And I don't even have to post it again!
oh damn didn trealize i had to post it again on my own...
well guess i'll have to withdraw my request on becky's because there's no way i'm sending shit from england.
I just don't like everyone that much ;)
If I ask for one from you, and I ask for one from Becky, and I offer it on my blog and you two accept, doesn't it just become like our Christmas presents/ornaments? :)
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