Survey from Becky!
1. Close your eyes. Turn your head slightly to the right. Open them. What do you see? My mug of tea. Yummmm.
2. Are you reading a good book now? What is it? I'm just at the beginning of Catcher in the Rye (for the second time). My impression from the first read-through some time ago was that I didn't like it, but I have to re-read for my Realism class that's coming up.
3. It's 2008. Do you believe this? Absolutely not! How dare you even suggest such a thing.
4. Do you want to do a paper about Christian tattoos as icons? Not especially...
5. Is it abnormally warm today where you live? Indeed. It was lovely today.
6. Have you ever been in a serious physical fight? Tell me about it. Why did it happen? What did it feel like? If you've been in many, pick one. I have often wished to be in a serious physical fight, but haven't actually done so. Sparring is serious and physical but not a fight; having a spat can be serious and a fight but is not physical; ticklefights with Becky are physical and fights but usually involve laughing crazily, and so are not terribly serious. Maybe if I had a sparring spatickle fight.
7. Can you see out a window right now? If so, describe the first person you see out the window. If there's no person, or no window, tell me who is not there. Becky and Amy and Charlotte are not on the other side of the windows, because they are inside instead!
8. What is right in front of you that you love? My baby! Um, I mean, my computer. Also the awesome coffee table we bought at Ikea.
9. What is right in front of you that you find perplexing? The Bananagrams game.
10. Are you tired? Yes, though it's wearing off.
11. When is the last time you made a conscious decision to lie? Why did you do so? I make conscious decisions to lie fairly frequently, usually in a school setting. I'm not exactly sure when the last time was, because I don't think about it very much.
12. What worries you right now? Actually...nothing. I'm studiously not thinking about things that might worry me, such as whether or not I will graduate in May (i.e. whether or not a prof will approve my project proposal).
13. What pleases you right now? Having the free time to go to the gym on an almost-daily basis to work out pent-up stress....wearing a fuzzy white nightgown and my Grandma's sweater...having Katie and Becky both be online at the same time with me.
14. What can you hear right now? My laptop humming crazily and Becky typing.
15. What (approximately) was happening in your life 5 years ago? To pick up where Becky's answer left off...yes, the Oscar Wilde statue was in Dublin, as far as my memory goes.... At this point, I think we were already in Dublin, actually, because Paris and Berlin combined was only four days, and that was right after Prague and New Years.... For some reason my memories of Dublin during that trip are much harder to access than my memories of Dublin when I went with the FHS band years before.
16. Has anything fundamentally changed about your emotional life since then? I'm HAPPY. In a fundamental way, not in a every-day-is-great way. As opposed to... recovering from insanity, fearing the recurrence of said insanity, all the while tipping myself into a different kind of insanity where Becky is angry with me. Damn, I'm glad that's over.
17. Do you have any secret that you have never told anyone, at all, ever, even anonymously? I think I may have one...I'm not positive that I've never told anyone, my memory (especially for what I tell other people) is really poor.
18. Have you ever hugged a book? Hah! Yes.
19. Thrown one across the room? Yes! The Night Listener!! Well, not across the room, really. I threw it down onto the floor from where I was sitting...which was also on the floor. Not a great distance, but I'm usually very reluctant to harm a book, even one I didn't like.
20. Hit one? Not that I recall...
21. Kissed one? For sure.
22. Destroyed one on purpose? Ye gods, no. See above, re: not liking to harm books.
23. Yelled at one? Yes, see above, re: throwing books.
24. Refused to continue reading at one point due to a moral objection to certain events, but then just had to get back to it? No, can't say I've done that. Though I had a moral objection to the end of the Narnia books, but it was the end, so I couldn't refuse to continue reading.
23. Have you done all those things to other people? I have thrown children while in a pool...I clearly have not destroyed any people, unless I did so in a very removed and accidental way. I have hugged, hit, kissed, and yelled at people many times. As for the moral thing.... I think I have refused to associate with people based on something resembling morals...not religious morals, just me-morals. But I don't think I've ever gone back to someone I rejected on those grounds.
24. What is the strangest thing you have ever hugged? Probably some kind of random object, in the context of receiving a gift I loved a lot. I'm pretty huggy.
25. Kissed? See above, re: hugging.
26. The very first time you were enamoured of someone, what did you do in immediate reaction? I don't think I had an immediate reaction, it wasn't an immediate sensation.
27. Name something unusual that had some influence in your sexual development. Comic books. Not pornographic ones.
28. And something cliched? A childhood friend.
29. How about a minor guilty secret? Doesn't have to be about sex, just something not-huge that bugged you. I once gave my best friend a birthday gift that was stolen. I stole other things, some of them much more expensive, but the fact that I gave a stolen thing as a gift bugged me after I'd already given it.
30. What about a small act of heroism? Something I read in a book (damn, I can't remember what book now!) helped me deal with my father fainting in an emergency situation, while my mother dealt with the actual emergency. I was fairly young, but I had read for the first time about putting your head between your knees when you feel faint, so when my poor dad was sitting dazedly on the floor after passing out, I gave him said instructions and he felt better. It was a crazy night. In more recent years, successfully catching three mice, two babies and one mommy, and then humanely delivering them to new homesteads a good biking distance away.
Now I'm going to add a question!
31. What about a small act of heroism that you didn't do, and it bothered you? I was in London, waiting for the Tube...I noticed this little brown moth near the edge of the platform that was having a hard time, but it didn't look like its wings were wrecked or anything. I thought about picking it up, and keeping it in my cupped hands until I got out of the underground, and letting it go...but I didn't act on it fast enough, and the train came, and caught it up in all the wind and sucked it down underneath. I felt awful.
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