Procrastination Denied
Well, I tried to procrastinate today by taking a look at the play that I wrote for my thesis, which Becky is enthusiastic about trying to put on at HDS next year. After my files being precariously moved through three computers/devices before finally getting to my current laptop, it took me a little while to find the file. But I did find what I thought would be the one, and opened it--and it stopped halfway through. I searched for other files, newer ones, to no avail. Half of my play is missing. Either the full file neglected to make the long computer journey, or I got frustrated with trying to edit it and deleted the whole second half. Either option is really possible...I have vague memories of a newer file with a different name, that does not exist on this computer, but I also have vague memories of getting angry and deleting a big chunk of the play. Either way, it stinks. There were some things that were definitely good, or a good starting point, in the second half that I don't know if I can reproduce. It seems that the one long piece of creative writing I ever managed to finish is now doomed to remain unusable. Bah, Humbug. Clearly I will never make a living from writing.
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