Other Blogs: Alex Becky Katie Katie R Maddie Julia Shannon Elizabeth Kristen

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'll Bite

Ok, it's been a long time since I stole a quiz from Alex's blog. This one is interesting, though.


Not as easy as you might think...

1. Where is your cell phone? Bed.

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Anna...?

3. Your hair?: Brown.

4. Your mother?: Loud.

5. Your father?: Nerdy.

6. Your favourite item?: FOOD!

7. Your dream last night?: None.

8. Your favourite drink?: Juice.

9. Your dream car?: Lovebus!

10. The room you are in?: Living.

12. Your fear?: Bees.

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?: Published.

14. Who did you hang out with last night?: Twins.

15. What you're not?: Healthy.

16. Muffins?: Corn!

17: One of your wish list items?: Sandals.

18: Time?: Afternoon.

[19. Where's #19?: HAHAHA.]

20. What are you wearing?: Robe.

22. Your favourite book?: Abarat!

23. The last thing you ate?: Honey.

24. Your life?: Full.

25. Your mood?: Sleepy.

26. Your friends: Missing?

27. What are you thinking about right now?: Homework.

29. What are you doing at the moment?: Procrastinating.

30. Your summer?: FRINGE!

31. Your relationship status?: Undefined.

32. What is on your TV?: Blank.

33. When is the last time you laughed?: Yesterday.

34. Last time you cried?: Friday.

35. School?: Fun!

36. Where is home right now?: Somerville.

37. Most missed memory?: Snuggles.

38. Favorite musician?: Indigos.

39. Greatest talent?: Singing?

40. What will you do next?: Procrastinate.


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