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Saturday, December 09, 2006

This Is So Fun!

I'm definitely going to do lots of these. At least two.

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::William Finn
Are you male or female::In Trousers
Describe yourself::Poor, Unsuccessful and Fat
How do some people feel about you::Miracle of Judasim
How do you feel about yourself::Four Jews in a Room Bitching
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::The Thrill of First Love
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::A Really Lousy Day in the Universe
Describe where you want to be::Sailing
Describe what you want to be::A Tight-Knit Family
Describe how you live::A Day in Falsettoland
Describe how you love::An Invitation to Sleep in My Arms
Share a few words of wisdom:Everyone Hates His Parents.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's fabulous. I guess William Finn is good for something after all. ;)

9:19 AM  

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