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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Don't Even Need To Explain Why I'm Posting This

First of all, everyone should read Dooce, and awesome blog about a really funny woman's really crazy life with husband, dog, and small daughter.

Second of all, this is what I discovered through Dooce today. I'm sure, once you've read it, that you can imagine what my reaction was.

Friday, October 12, 2007


It's decided. What Not To Wear is my newest least favorite show. It's so offensive to my nature that I can't handle it. I want to write to this poor girl they've got on the show and tell her I think she's gorgeous and that her outfits are great. She's got the sort of butch/hipstery eclectic look going on, and I would totally wear everything in her closet if it would fit me, but her stupid friends brought in these horrible people to make fun of her and throw out all her great clothes, and give her things that are "sophisticated" and blah blah blah. They're turning her into some sort of.... I don't even know. I'm speechless. They just called her an urchin. An URCHIN. Because she wears t-shirts with funny sayings on them, and cutoffs. I can't handle this. I want to marry this girl and take her far, far away from these horrible people who are trying to change her outfit.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Last Random Post Today

Really, I promise. But I just can't resist Holly's dad. He cracks me up.

Shannon will like this one! And apparently my new thing is to identify in my posts who will most appreciate the contents. Sort of a fun game for me, probably not as entertaining for you, my faithful readers.

Another Fun Thing Becky Will Like

Test your knowledge of books' first lines! Fun! I've only done the first category so far, but I did pretty well.


Cutest commercial ever!

Becky, you'll love this.