Other Blogs: Alex Becky Katie Katie R Maddie Julia Shannon Elizabeth Kristen
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
According to American Baby....
From http://ww5.americanbaby.com/babynames/ :
Origin | Meaning |
![]() | |
Hebrew | ewe |
Traits: Rachel is pictured as a beautiful, small, dark-haired woman with quiet, intelligent strength.
Riiiight..... Go on, check out your own names. I've already looked them all up, but I won't spoil any surprises here. Alexandra is particularly funny.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Talking About Parents
adiuvame: also you're mom is so cute
adiuvame: did you see the comment she left on my last post?
avalon2004: yeah, i did
adiuvame: heheeh she's so cute!
adiuvame: hahaha
avalon2004: hehe
avalon2004: i know
A little later, as the night progresses:
avalon2004: sometimes i think my dad is actually clark kent, but without the muscles
adiuvame: that's what he wants you to think
avalon2004: hahaha
avalon2004: and underneath he's superman?
adiuvame: superman lives and he is glenn hochberg
avalon2004: hahahahaha
adiuvame: slightly more geeky than they usually show in the comics but he's just as indestructible
adiuvame: you dont think he actually DROVE that car to pick you up in philly
adiuvame: he totally carried it
adiuvame: all the way from fucking Bethlehem
avalon2004: hahahahahahaha
adiuvame: totally an act.
avalon2004: that explains a lot
adiuvame: exactly
adiuvame: your mom's in on it
adiuvame: but they didnt know how to tell you
avalon2004: hahaha, she's lois lane?
adiuvame: because they weren't sure if you'd manifest any super powers
adiuvame: and when you didnt they figured it was probably better not to tell you
adiuvame: i found out because i accidentally saw a bit of his cape sticking out of the trunk of the car once
avalon2004: oh, i don't get super powers?
avalon2004: that's really sad....
adiuvame: Oh and Longfellow....
adiuvame: totally superdog.
avalon2004: maybe i just grow into them late. i'm a late bloomer.
adiuvame: why do you think they get along so well
adiuvame: they communicate telepathically
avalon2004: hahahahaha
adiuvame: because they're both from Krypton
adiuvame: OB-viously
I Remembered
I just remembered what it was that I was going to post before my songasm. I was going to say that Bryn Mawr really does prepare you for the world of academia--or at least, it prepared me for Simmons, which is not high academia really, but not Villanova, either. By which I mean my grades are kicking ASS in both my classes. I'm hot, hot fucking stuff when I write my little papers, baby.
Songasm Has Blown Everything Else Out Of My Head.
I'm listening to the most amazing song. It's so amazing, I don't even know how to tell you. It's every joyous feeling I've ever had, except maybe the really crazy loud feelings, because it's not crazy loud. But the rest of them are all in here. And it doesn't make me sad, like lots of music does these days. I think maybe this has to be my new song of choice for every occasion. Thanks Alex! And Julie, the original source!
Also, the Jar total is up to $5.50. I put in for yesterday and today, because yesterday Nathaniel was here and I forgot all about being sexy, lol.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Today's Total Is.....
$2.50. I'm adding $1.50 to the pot tonight, for getting sexy and for not crying. ;)
Another Day, Another Dollar....
or more, perhaps. Okay, kiddies, here's the deal: I put a jar on the living room table, and that's going to be the Sexy Jar. Every day I'm going to spend a dollar less on snack food while I'm at work or class, and put that dollar in the Sexy Jar. At the end of December I'm going to take the Sexy Jar money and buy myself a sexy New Years outfit for my hopefully slimmer new bod. Depending on what kind of Christmas money I get, I may also get a new tattoo that I can show off. We'll see. Anyway, then at New Years I'm going to party like it's 1999 and get myself a cute little rebound to keep me busy for a while. Also, though it's maudlin and I'm aware of that, I may also still go with my original idea to add fifty cents to the daily Jar contribution for every time I make it through a day without crying. Just to make sure I remember to do it, I'm going to try to log every day what I put in--that way I can be encouraged by the growing amount, and also be answerable to my small but often vocal blog readership if I skip a day.
I started the jar this evening with a $1 bill folded like a shirt. If I can find more money origami online, I might learn some new tricks while I'm at it.
Get ready for the new me, peeps.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Sleep? Hah.
Who was I kidding when I thought I'd curl up in bed with my book and then go to sleep? My head is, as always, too full to sleep, or even to read. I do my work all the time because it stops me from thinking too much about anything. And sleep does that even better, if I could just manage to shut my brain off long enough to catch some, instead of getting up and looking at the computer every ten minutes because I can't stand quiet, or stillness, or my bed. Sometimes I'm just so fucked up.
Ah well...back to Earthsea. And, one can hope, unconsciousness.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Becky Finally Updated!
And I stole this from her:
"The first five people to respond to this post will get some form of art, by me, about them. I make no guarantees about quality or type, but I will assure that I will give it good effort and that the art will be individual to you, so if you get a mixed CD, a dirty limerick, some sort of painting , or perhaps some origami, or anything else yours is the only one like it.
The only catch, of course; as with most memes, if you sign up, you have to put this in your own journal as well."
Fun fun fun!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
So Beat.
I'm so beat. Just when I think my life is getting a little better, the world conspires against me, and here I am at 5:30 in the morning, sad and tired and puffy-eyed and hoping that three hours of sleep will be enough to enable me to work seven hours tomorrow in addition to giving a presentation and turning the paper that I just finished writing. Sometimes I feel like I can't ever get a break.
But to those of you who I talked to online tonight (and there were several of you), thanks for listening. It's good to have friends, even when your life is really fucking hard.
Monday, October 16, 2006
I'm Unique
It seems I'm totally unique. Although I have Googled myself and come up with a teenage soccer player in some other part of the country, so I suspect this result is wrong.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I Hate Everything Except Lists Of What I Hate
I hate everything. Particularly:
-students who don't know how to use a VCR, or a DVD, or headphones, or the volume control buttons.
-all students who come into the lab.
-all professors who request media equiptment.
-my paper that I am currently not writing.
-my headache.
-budgeting, rent and money of all kinds.
-dieting enforced by an empty wallet and a ten-hour shift with no break.
-Boston, and everyone and everything in it. Suburbs included. Becky and Lilah and Joe excluded.
-my life right now.
-whiny blog posts, even though I'm writing one, and I have many times before, and will many times in the future, I have no doubt.
Because Work Is Slow and I Don't Want To Do Homework
You are
[ ] 5'0"-5'3"
[ ] 5'4"-5'5"
[ ] 5'5"-5'6"
[x] 5'6"-5'7"
[ ] 5'8"-5'9"
[ ] 5'10" and up
Your confessions:
[ ] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am really ticklish
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark
[x] I've collected comic books
[x] I sometimes shut out others - more lately than usual, perhaps.
[ ] I open up to others TOO easily
[ ] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for a gorgeous smile
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I bake well
[x] I have worn pajamas to class
[x] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I can't swallow pills
[x] I bite my nails
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored
[x] I have gotten lost in the city
[x] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[ ] I have made out in an elevator
[ ] I have been skydiving
[ ] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone - Let's change this to "I have been bitten," shall we?
[ ] I have egged or T.P.ed a house/car
[ ] I have smashed a car
[ ] I have been fired
Have you ever…
[x] seen a shooting star
[x] joke proposed to anyone - more than one, in fact.
[ ] gotten stitches
[x] eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x] Ridden in a taxi
[ ] Been on a cruise ship
[x] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[x] Been on a plane by yourself
[ ] had surgery
[x] seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[ ] gotten a black eye
[x] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[x] watched an entire baseball game
Do you like…
[x] old movies - only select ones, though
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car
[x] foreign foods
[ ] gameboy Pokemon
[x] Christmas time
[x] doughnuts
[x] animals
[x] coffee
[x] tea
[x] summer - I have a love/hate relationship with summer.
[x] winter
Two Names You Go By: Ray-Ray (thanks Mom...), Frankel
Two things you are wearing right now: jeans, cool sneakers
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation: Bardsey Island in Wales, Prague again.
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now: The paper I'm not preparing to write, an odd ache in my foot
Two favorite animals: horses, dogs
Two Reasons you're doing this survey: it was there (kind of like Everest), procrastination
Spell your name without vowels: rchl nn hchbrg
What color(s) do you wear most often? probably blue and green
What's for dinner tonight? whatever Becky makes, or rice
Are you happy with your life right now? so/so
[Do you own a…}
- PS2: no
- XBOX:no
- PSP: no
- Gamecube: no
- Digital Camera: yes
In what state or country do you want to go to school after high school? I'll interpret this as after my MA. I don't know. Maybe NY? Maybe back to Philly? How about wherever I get in?
Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle? Nope.
How do you make money?: Currently, working as a Media Services lackey.
Last thing you bought?: Naked juice--Gold Machine!
How's the weather?: much hotter than yesterday
Do you own big sunglasses?: no
What should you be doing right now?: doing a mental outline for my paper
Who did you hug today?: no one yet.
How many beds did you lay in yesterday?: one
What color shirt are you wearing?: bright vaguely eye-hurting orange
Name one thing that you do everyday?: listen to music
Whats the color are your bedroom walls?: generic apartment eggshell
How much cash do you have on you right now? maybe $3?
What's your favorite sport?: To watch, all equestrian sports. To play, badmitton. Does that have two t's?
Q: When was the last time you saw your dad? The end of August, when I moved.
Q: What did you have for dinner last night? rice
Q: Look to your left, what do you see? another computer and a coat rack
Q:Do you have plants in your room?: no
Q:Recent time you were upset? What a question to end on. I think I won't answer.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Three Things
Three Things | |
Three things that scare me: | |
1: | bees |
2: | when you think you're alone and then you hear a noise that could be something moving around |
3: | losing people I depend on |
Three people who make me laugh: | |
1: | Mom |
2: | Alex |
3: | Becky |
Three Things I love: | |
1: | lo mein |
2: | watching buffy |
3: | parties with my friends |
Three Things I hate: | |
1: | parties with strangers |
2: | cramps |
3: | feeling uncertain or confused |
Three things I don't understand: | |
1: | wars |
2: | math |
3: | love |
Three things on my desk: | |
1: | a box of papers |
2: | books |
3: | blank cd's |
Three things I'm doing right now: | |
1: | taking this survey |
2: | procrastinating going to bed |
3: | thinking about lots of things |
Three things I want to do before I die: | |
1: | write something really, truly amazing |
2: | have a show in a gallery or a stand at a craft mall |
3: | have lots more moments of true happiness and contentment |
Three things I can do: | |
1: | sing |
2: | move my eyes independently |
3: | throw a damn good back round kick and a decent punch |
Three ways to describe my personality: | |
1: | adaptable |
2: | accepting |
3: | complicated |
Three things I can't do: | |
1: | play an instrument |
2: | right now, sleep |
3: | read minds |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
Five Things
an expensive apartment
my period
unpacked boxes
extremely fine/thin hair
crooked teeth
pets (in the apartment)
my favorite cuddle buddy
a quicker way to get to school
a larger grant
a creative/performative outlet
mice in the apartment!!
lots of men around at school
more Arrested Development (don't get me wrong, it's funny and all, but it's stolen away my Buffy time)
crazy neighbors
an annoying roommate :)
really great friends
supportive parents
lacy curtains around my bed
a fertile imagination
a reading list that includes many of my favorite YA fantasy novels
Friday, October 06, 2006
Computers Suck.
Dear Toshiba,
Your computers suck. I will never buy another Toshiba product again. I've been so traumatized, I may never even buy another pc again, and just switch entirely to Mac. At least they have their own stores. I hate you, and I hope you spontaneously combust.
Toshiba's Biggest Non-Fan
Dear Best Buy,
Your service sucks. You Geek Squad sucks. I will never buy another computer from you again. I've been so traumatized, I may never even buy anything from your store again. I hope you all spontaneously combust. The Geek Squad should combust twice over.
Best Buy's Biggest Non-Fan
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I Wanted To Let You All Know...
...that postmodernism confuses the hell out of me. But at least I'm being productive, trying to read this damn article. Can someone explain postmodernist criticism to me in a nutshell?
Also, there's been a request for Boston as the New Years spot this year. Anyone have opinions on that?
Also, I'm feeling cheery, despite the postmodernism. Maybe it was that sugary cake I had..........
Just Musings.
I don't have a whole lot to say on any particular topic, so I'm going to muse about several. The first being my schooling situation. It's dumb. They don't give me enough money for it, and they make it very hard for me to graduate in a timely fashion. But I'm determined to do it! I am not staying here past my two years, no way.
Despite my grudges against Boston and Simmons, I have made a friend. I mean, I've made friends with classmates and coworkers, but not the kind of friends that you do stuff with outside of your forced interaction. But I've now made the kind of friend that you do stuff with. She works with me on one of my night shifts, she's also a grad student, and she has the sort of sense of humor that keeps me highly entertained. We're making plans to go apple picking sometime soon (she's from the country in Ohio, equivalent enough to the country in PA that we both miss mostly the same things).
I'm having problems making decisions lately. Do I actually want to dye my hair? What color do I want to dye it? Do I actually have the money to visit England? Do I actually want to squeeze my proverbial belt tightly enough to visit England? Do I want to take three courses next semester, or wait until Spring of next year, now that I've found out that I can't afford to take my extra course over this coming summer?
Life is so complicated! But somehow I feel okay about it, just the same. Confused, but pretty okay.