Christmas Highlights
Merry Christmas!
so little time! I'm crocheting my fingers off, here. But whatever, I'm poor and creative. And also strangely lonely, but that will be solved when New Years rolls around! :)
Mind Boggler Survey (not usual questions!) | |
Ever spin around in circles until you got so dizzy you fell?: | Yep. |
What's the most comfortable thing you own?: | Oooh, the new pants I just bought. |
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?: | If it's cold out. |
How long does it take for you to take a shower?: | About fifteen minutes. |
Have you ever stolen a sign from a street?: | I don't think so... |
What was the last thing you were thinking about?: | Whether I've ever stolen a sign from a street. |
If you could change your MIDDLE name, what would it be?: | When I was little, I wanted to change it to May or Mae. |
Is the moon out right now?: | Nope. I mean, I guess it's always out, but it's daytime. |
What's the heaviest thing you own, besides a car?: | Probably a piece of furniture... the couch, maybe. |
Do you live on your own?: | As in not with my parents, yes. I have a roommate-for-life. |
Who's car were you in last?: | Joe's, though I have only vague memories of it. |
What's your relationship status?: | Single. |
Who was the last person to ever kiss you?: | Alex. |
When was the last time you held hands with someone?: | Yesterday. |
Do you have a crush/like someone right now?: | There are a few people at Simmons who I could go for, though I'm not sure I actually will. |
Have you ever wished upon a star for a certain someone?: | Yes, actually. I've always been a ridiculous romantic. |
What was the weirdest moment with you and your bf/gf?: | Um...I'm sure there were weird moments, but nothing's sticking out as one that I'd like to share. |
Is love even real to you?: | What kind of question is that? |
Warm up near a fire or cuddle under the stars?: | Under the stars. Though fires are interesting to watch. |
Who is the person you regret being/doing something with the most?: | This is a very strange and private question. |
Most romantic: flowers or chocolate?: | I prefer flowers, but it's a slim margin. |
If single... are you lookin around?: | As I said, there are a few options. |
If taken... are you happy?: | |
Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends?: | It depends on the mood. Sometimes I just want to hang and watch Buffy, but sometimes I want to be surrounded by friends. |
What's one of your weird quirks that nobody really understands?: | I like to watch the same movies and tv shows over and over again...? I can't think of a better one. |
Ever thought about why grass is green?: | No, but I do like the color of it, often. |
Can you build a detailed sand castle?: | I never have, but I probably could if I went to the beach more often. |
Ever bit someone else's tongue?: | Nope. |
Have you ever tackled someone to the ground?: | No, I'm pretty sure I haven't. |
What's one of your favorite possessions?: | That's so hard! I think I'd have to say Mikey. |
Do you like to sleep?: | Yes, yes, yes. |
Is your bed comfortable?: | Yes, usually. |
What's the most awkward thing that happened to you in public this month?: | I don't think I've had any awkward moments this month....except maybe the presentation I had to give? But that was last month. |
Who's the last person that freaked you out?: | In what sense? |
Who was the last person to compliment you?: | My mom, over the internet. |
What's in your purse/backpack/other(pockets, wallet...)?: | Lots of stuff. |
Do you feel like life will be easier when you're older, or harder?: | I'm pretty sure that the level of difficulty will remain about the same. |
How come macaroni and cheese is so good?: | Because it's macaroni. With cheese. Though as a child I didn't like it. |
Is pink the new black?: | I never understood this phrase. Black is always black. But I like pink sometimes. |
What thought made you cry last?: | That I started im-ing my mother to tell her that I was really drunk, thinking that she was Alex. |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
I am filled with pent-up frustration that has nowhere to go. It makes me angry, and antsy, when I should either just go to bed or do homework. I think I'm too frustrated to do homework, I feel like it will never get done or be good in any way, so I'm going to try to go to bed. We'll see how well that plan works out.
I had a strange dream last night that was frightening and somewhat painful and made me lonely, and today was nice and full of things to do and people to spend time with, but I never quite shook off the lonely and the dream. I'm hoping that tonight I won't dream at all, and that tomorrow I'll be so caught up in reading for my paper that I won't notice that this has been an emotional weekend for me. Academia can fulfill me for a while, right?
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band | |
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: | The Indigo Girls |
Are you male or female:: | Girl With the Weight of the World in Her Hands |
Describe yourself:: | Virginia Woolf |
How do some people feel about you:: | Shame On You |
How do you feel about yourself:: | Center Stage |
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: | Keeper of My Heart |
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: | Love Will Come To You |
Describe where you want to be:: | Land of Canaan |
Describe what you want to be:: | Prince of Darkness |
Describe how you live:: | Closer to Fine |
Describe how you love:: | Strange Fire |
Share a few words of wisdom: | Get Out the Map |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
I'm definitely going to do lots of these. At least two.
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band | |
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: | William Finn |
Are you male or female:: | In Trousers |
Describe yourself:: | Poor, Unsuccessful and Fat |
How do some people feel about you:: | Miracle of Judasim |
How do you feel about yourself:: | Four Jews in a Room Bitching |
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: | The Thrill of First Love |
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: | A Really Lousy Day in the Universe |
Describe where you want to be:: | Sailing |
Describe what you want to be:: | A Tight-Knit Family |
Describe how you live:: | A Day in Falsettoland |
Describe how you love:: | An Invitation to Sleep in My Arms |
Share a few words of wisdom: | Everyone Hates His Parents. |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
Here's a fun image for you all: me, looking ridiculous riding my unattractive bike with my sweatpants French-cuffed and my hood up over my helmet, singing the theme song to "Clarissa Explains it All" rather loudly. Including the talking bits. Imagine the looks I got when some people I rode by happened to catch the "na na nana, waaay cooool."
Well, I tried to procrastinate today by taking a look at the play that I wrote for my thesis, which Becky is enthusiastic about trying to put on at HDS next year. After my files being precariously moved through three computers/devices before finally getting to my current laptop, it took me a little while to find the file. But I did find what I thought would be the one, and opened it--and it stopped halfway through. I searched for other files, newer ones, to no avail. Half of my play is missing. Either the full file neglected to make the long computer journey, or I got frustrated with trying to edit it and deleted the whole second half. Either option is really possible...I have vague memories of a newer file with a different name, that does not exist on this computer, but I also have vague memories of getting angry and deleting a big chunk of the play. Either way, it stinks. There were some things that were definitely good, or a good starting point, in the second half that I don't know if I can reproduce. It seems that the one long piece of creative writing I ever managed to finish is now doomed to remain unusable. Bah, Humbug. Clearly I will never make a living from writing.
According to the cap of my Snapple All-Natural Green Tea, "A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories."
All right, I'm a horrendous copycat. This is a great idea, and I love Christmas music.
Now that Alex said I'm the most likely to repost this survey, I feel that I really should. lol.
Me: (after Googling Freedom High School) Wow, there's a Freedom High School in Oakley, California! And one in Orlando.
Dear Santa,
Here we are, the titles and first few sentences of the first post of each month in the past year!
Happy New Year to all! It kinda sucks that I'm writing this from work, where I arrived stuffy-headed and sneezing and tired at 10 this morning, but at least it's definitely going to be a slow day.
All right, first things first--I have a new job. The timeframe has been changing; the agency said three weeks, the supervisor here said two weeks, and my brain says probably more like a week and a half.
NYU is so difficult to be in contact with, always. It's beginning to irritate me. I sent them an email last week asking what the timetable was for decision letters, as in, should I be worried that I hadn't yet received one, and they sent back a form email that didn't answer my question in any way.
The photos are up!
As per usual, swiped from Julia's lj:
Hello, all. I'm in Boston. Right now, and for a sad majority of the week and a half we've been here, Boston sucks. In other news, I'm applying for a phone sex job (at least, it sounds like a phone sex job), because it's lucrative and I can do it from home.
I don't have a whole lot to say on any particular topic, so I'm going to muse about several. The first being my schooling situation. It's dumb. They don't give me enough money for it, and they make it very hard for me to graduate in a timely fashion. But I'm determined to do it! I am not staying here past my two years, no way.
You know how, to protect you against a disease, they inject you with a very little bit of the disease? Today feels like a vaccination.
I was just noticing that in this picture, I have the Spike scarred eyebrow thing going on.
So, my comp still doesn't really have much of my music on it, being pretty damn new, so I used my ipod. I presume that isn't cheating.